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"The #5 Workshop on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Asia" was held

On 2017/12/12, the #5 Workshop on Decentralized Sewage Treatment in Asia, sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, was held in Yangon, Myanmar, at the same time as the 3rd Asia-Pacific Water Summit (Asia-Pacific Water Summit). It was held during the Pacific Water Forum (hosted by the Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

Based on the results of the past 4 workshops (2 times in Tokyo, 1 time each in Bangkok and Jakarta), this workshop will share the experiences of Asian countries and gain a common understanding of issues and directions that should be addressed in the future. At the same time, the aim is to build a network of stakeholders in each country and strengthen cooperation toward the further promotion of decentralized wastewater treatment in Asia. Proper dissemination of decentralized wastewater treatment systems is expected to contribute to the improvement of public health and the conservation of the water environment in order to achieve targets 6.2 and 6.3 of the UN SDGs on sanitation in Asia.

In this workshop, 39 people (including 3 presenters) from Myanmar, including government officials, Yangon City Development Committee, and Mandalay City Development Committee, and 8 people from overseas (including 5 presenters) ), and from Japan, 20 people (including 4 presenters) from the Ministry of the Environment, JICA, Japan Sanitation Consortium, and the johkasou System Association participated in the workshop.

At the opening ceremony of the workshop, Mr. Daw May May Thwe, member of the Yangon City Development Committee, who co-sponsored this workshop, and Mr. Naoyuki Matsuda, director of the johkasou promotion office of the Ministry of the Environment, gave their greetings, emphasizing the significance of holding the workshop. was expected to succeed.

Representatives from each country talked about regulations and systems related to decentralized wastewater treatment, the operation and management of decentralized wastewater treatment facilities, policies and regulations, examples and issues of administrative efforts, standards and performance evaluation test systems for decentralized wastewater treatment facilities, Successful cases in developing countries and the current status of sludge management were presented.In addition, Kubota johkasou System Co., Ltd. and Daiki Axis Co., Ltd., who are developing his johkasou business in Myanmar, made presentations on the implementation status and challenges of the johkasou business in Myanmar and other developing countries.In the Q&A session after the presentation, many questions and opinions were raised from the floor under the chairman's lead, and we were able to deepen the discussion on the content of the presentation.

In the panel discussion, not only the panelists representing each country, but also many opinions were expressed from the floor, and a lively discussion developed.Finally, a common understanding for promoting decentralized wastewater treatment in Asian countries was compiled and unanimously adopted as a joint declaration of the workshop.

In the future, it is expected that Asian countries will promote decentralized wastewater treatment as an important measure for domestic wastewater treatment in order to solve the problems of decentralized wastewater treatment that were clarified in the Declaration.

The 6th Workshop on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Asia will be held in Tokyo in September 2018 in conjunction with the IWA World Congress.

<Reference material 1> Workshop program and presentation materials

The 5th Workshop on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment in Asia

2017/ 12/ 12
Melia Yangon Hotel
Ministry of the Environment, Japan, Yangon City Development Committee, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Japan Sanitation Consortium
johkasou system association
Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation

Opening ceremony

Presenters: Daw May May Thwe (Member, Yangon City Development Committee) / Naoyuki Matsuda (Director, johkasou Promotion Office, Environmental Regeneration and Resource Recycling Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment)

Sensation 1-1

Regulations and institutions for decentralized wastewater treatment
Chair: Kiyofumi Kawamura (former professor at Saitama University)
Presenter: Gosuke Inoue (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Reclamation and Resource Recycling Bureau, Waste Proper Management Division, johkasou Promotion Office, Guidance and Dissemination Section Chief)
Presenter: Mohd Roslee Bin Mahyudin (Chief, Technical Standardization and Compliance Division, Sewerage Regulatory Department, Malaysian National Water and Sewerage Board)
Presenter: Thien Min (Director, Yangon City Development Committee, Water Sanitation Department)

Sensation 1-2

Regulations and institutions for decentralized wastewater treatment
Chair: Yoshitaka Ebie (Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Presenter: Nguyen Ngoc Duc (Ministry of Construction, Engineering Infrastructure Management Department, Sewerage Management Division, Specialist)
Presenter: Elis Hastuti (Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Institute of Human Settlements, Department of Water Sanitation, Technical Adaptation and Service Division, Director and Researcher)
Speaker: Wilasinee Yoochatchaval (Lecturer, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand)

Session 2-1

Operation and management of decentralized sewage treatment facilities
Chair: Kazushi Hashimoto (Advisor, Japan Sanitation Consortium)
Presenter: Khin Maung Win (Myanmar Water Engineering Company)
Presenter: Ramakant (Deputy Director, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, India)
Presenter: Aye Aye Khaing (Mandalay City Development Committee, Water Sanitation Department, Engineer)

Session 2-2

Operation and management of decentralized sewage treatment facilities
Chair: Shinji Kumokawa (Johkasou System International Cooperation Center Leader, Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation)
Presenter: Takuya Katagiri (Daiki Axis Co., Ltd., Global Business Headquarters)
Presenter: Wataru Ikeda (Kubota johkasou System Co., Ltd., Overseas Sales Department)

panel discussion

  • moderator
    Kazushi Hashimoto Advisor, Japan Sanitation Consortium

  • panelist
    ・Mohd Roslee Bin Mahyudin, Chief, Technical Standardization and Compliance Division, National Water and Sewerage Board, Malaysia
    ・Nguyen Ngoc Duc Vietnam Ministry of Construction, Technology Infrastructure Management Department, Water Management Division, Specialist
    ・Elis Hastuti, Director, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Institute of Human Settlements, Department of Water Sanitation, Indonesia
    ・Wilasinee Yoochatchaval, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, Lecturer
    ・Khin Maung Win Myanmar Water Engineering Company
    ・Ramakant, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Department of Public Health, Deputy Director
    ・Naoyuki Matsuda, Director of johkasou Promotion Office, Environmental Reclamation and Resource Recycling Bureau, Ministry of the Environment
    ・Kiyoshi Kawamura Former Professor of Saitama University
    ・Yoshitaka Ebie, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies


  • SDGs target 6.2
    By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and sanitation for all and end open defecation.Pay particular attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.
  • SDGs target 6.3
    By 2030, reduce pollution, eliminate dumping and minimize release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halve the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increase recycling and safe reuse globally to improve water quality.

<Reference Material 2> Photos of the workshop

Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
2-23-3 Kikukawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-3635-4880 (Switchboard),

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