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Johkasou Desludging Technician Training Information

Subject matter

 As a workshop to train those who have "expert knowledge and skills related to johkasou cleaning" stipulated in Article 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Johkasou Act related to the Ministry of the Environment (technical standards for permission of johkasou cleaning business) No. 4, conducted by our Education Center.

Course content

1. Class Time
 61 hours (9 days)
2. Subjects and Number of Hours
(1) Overview of public health, environmental conservation and johkasou administration6 hours(4) Desludging26 hours
(2) Basic knowledge/principle of sewage treatment
7 hours
(5) Hygiene and safety measures
2 hours
(3) Structure and function of johkasou
20 hours


 On the final day (9th day), examinations (examinations) will be conducted for all subjects from (1) to (5) above. Implementation time is 1 hour.


  johkasou's cleaning work experience must be more than 2 years from the present (at the time of application).

Tuition fee

 104,200 yen *Tax-free transaction

Important points to note when applying

 1. As a general rule, tuition fees cannot be refunded once your application has been accepted.
 2. If a course is cancelled or an answer sheet is not accepted due to a natural disaster or other unavoidable accident,
  If you are unable to take the test, we will transfer you to the next class.
  We are not liable for any inconvenience, expenses, or other personal damages incurred by applicants as a result of these actions.
  To do.

Download bank transfer form (for training)

○ Download the bank transfer form (for training) here.
・Please fill in the necessary information in the fields such as "Requester" and "Amount".
・Please read the instructions carefully and make the transfer at a bank counter.
・After payment, please be sure to attach a copy of the “transfer receipt” to the designated field on the course application form.


Course period and course venue


Training location
course period
Reception period
41th Tokyo
Reiwa7/1/28 (Tues) - 2/5 (Wed)
Reiwa6/10/21 (Mon) - 10/28 (Mon)
Institutions accepting application forms
 Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
 130-0024 Sumida-ku, Kikukawa 2-23-3
 Tel: 03-3635-4882
 Japan Environmental Conservation Association
 102-0073 Chiyoda-ku, Kudankita 1-10-9 Kudan VIGAS Building
 Tel: 03-3264-7935

 National Federation of Environmental Improvement Business Cooperative Associations
 100-0014 Chiyoda-ku Nagatacho 2-17-17 Aios Nagatacho 612
 Tel: 03-6453-0607

 National Federation of Municipal Solid Waste Environmental Improvement Cooperative Associations
 101-0041 Chiyoda-ku, Kandasudacho 1-24 Kanda AK Building 5F B
 Tel: 03-5207-5795
Seminar venue
 Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation 2nd floor large training room
 130-0024 Sumida-ku, Kikugawa 2-23-3
 Tel: 03-3635-4880
 *According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Passive Smoking Prevention Ordinance and Sumida Ward Passive Smoking Measures, this event is prohibited outside the grounds, on the streets, and in public.
 Smoking is prohibited in the park, and smoking is prohibited outside of designated areas. Furthermore, this
 AssociationThere are no smoking areas in or around the venue.


 Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
 130-0024 Sumida-ku, Kikukawa 2-23-3
 Tel: 03-3635-4882
 Japan Environmental Conservation Association and member organizations
 102-0073 Chiyoda-ku, Kudankita 1-10-9 Kudan VIGAS Building
 Tel: 03-3264-7935
 National Federation of Environmental Improvement Business Cooperative Associations and Member Organizations
 105-0004 Minato-ku, Shimbashi 4-31-7 Nakamura Building 4F
 Tel: 03-6453-0607
 National Federation of Municipal Solid Waste Environment Improvement Cooperative Associations and Member Organizations
 101-0041 Chiyoda-ku, Kandasudacho 1-24 Kanda AK Building 5F B
 Tel: 03-5207-5795
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