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Development of Plans for Domestic Wastewater Treatment

 Municipalities are required to formulate plans for general waste disposal based on the "Law Concerning Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing."
 In order to systematically implement domestic wastewater treatment measures, it is necessary to efficiently develop collective treatment such as sewers and individual treatment by johkasou according to the actual situation of the region. In addition, review of development of plan based on change of social conditions such as population decline in recent years is demanded. Therefore, our education center aims to create a water environment that meets the needs of the region, and proposes a reexamination of the basic plan for domestic wastewater treatment and existing plans.

 In addition, we also provide advisory services when conducting johkasou municipal development promotion projects.

Examples of recent formulations

Gotemba City Domestic Wastewater Treatment Basic Plan Creation Business Outsourcing Gotemba City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Heisei 20
Research on wide-area johkasou sludge treatment measures Nansatsu Environmental Improvement Business Cooperative Association
Heisei 19
Domestic wastewater treatment measure examination advisor business consignment Fujikawa Town, Shizuoka Prefecture
Heisei 19
Osaka Prefecture
Heisei 17
Sewage treatment facility maintenance plan formulation business consignment Ono Town, Gifu Prefecture
Heisei 16

Contact Us

 Survey/Research Group
 Tel: 03-3635-4885 Fax: 03-3635-4886
 E-mail: chohsa@jeces.or.jp
Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
2-23-3 Kikukawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-3635-4880 (Switchboard),

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