Examples of recent conference reports
No. | Conference presentation title | Years |
(1) | Development of an Alternative Sanitation System Selecton Procedure for Asian Developing Countries on the Basis of their Constraints The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) | 2013 |
(2) | Fundamental Study of Odorless Sludge for Recycling Johkasou Sludge The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for the Environment | 2013 |
(3) | Confirmation of sludge improvement and cycle control effect by prioritizing Bacillus bacteria The 34th National City Cleaning Research and Case Presentation | 2013 |
(4) | Research on the johkasou system aiming at disaster prevention and mitigation to secure a hygienic environment in the event of a disaster Heisei 24 Research Symposium of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management | 2013 |
(5) | Environmental load reduction effect by introducing johkasou sludge thickener The 33rd National City Cleaning Research Case Presentation | 2012 |
Recent Paper Submissions
No. | Article name | Years |
(1) | "Development of a simple measurement method for ammonium ions using a detector tube" Johkasou Research | 2012 |
(2) | "Ammnonium detection by colored zebra-bands formed in a mini-column" Talanta | 2010 |
(3) | "A spot test for nitrite and nitrate detection by color band length and number of colors" Analytical methods | 2010 |
(4) | “Impact of food waste disposers on the generation rate and characteristics of municipal solid waste” Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management | 2010 |
(5) | "History and current situation of night soil treatment systems and decentralized wastewater treatment systems in Japan" Water Practice & Technology | 2010 |
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