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*Please be sure to include the street address, building name (apartment, condominium name, building number if housing complex), and postal code.
*Please be sure to specify the destination for the monthly magazine. If you do not specify, we will send it to your home address. - Purpose of use of personal information
Personal information (name, date of birth, address, telephone number, etc.) used in the application process for joining the johkasou Technical Research Group will not be used for purposes other than clerical work related to the johkasou Technical Research Group. - Remittance destination
・Postal transfer 00150−0−255199 Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
・Bank transfer Mizuho Bank Kojimachi branch (ordinary) 1439533 Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
Contact us
Information/IT Group
Tel: 03-3635-4884 Fax: 03-3635-4886
E-mail: joho@jeces.or.jp
E-mail: joho@jeces.or.jp