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Johkasou Research Grant

 Our educational center aims to encourage research on johkasou.National Johkasou Technical Research GroupFrom the research presented at the event, outstanding papers are selected and awarded research grants.
  • Prize money
    Best project 300,000 yen
    Excellent project 100,000 yen

  • Awards received (8-XNUMX)
    17 best projects
    48 excellent projects

Results of the 2023 JOHKASO Research Encouragement Award

 At the research presentation of Reiwa 5 the 37th National JOHKASAU Technology Research Conference, a selection committee was held to review the 12 presented projects, and one Best Project and one Excellent Project were selected. The projects and presenters are as follows:
◎Best Project
Project title: "Improvement of water quality in surrounding water environments through the development of johkasou"
Presenter: Tatsuya Inui
Affiliation: Kagoshima Prefecture Environmental Conservation Association
◎Excellent projects
Title of project: "Promoting environmental management using Eco Action 21 and SDGs - Utilizing it in efforts to realize the management vision of a specified inspecting agency"
Presenter: Shihomi Sakashita

Affiliation: Fukuoka Prefecture Johkasou Association, General Incorporated Foundation

Research Encouragement Award Award-Winning Projects for the Last Three Years

Heisei 30
best assignment
"Current status of damage and repair of small-scale merger processing johkasou in Fukushima Prefecture"
Yasuhito Tanagi
Excellent subject
"A practical example of high-load inflow countermeasures by changing the operation of the contact aeration method to the activated sludge method"
Takuma Nishioka
Year of the reunification
Excellent subject 1
"Evaluation of johkasou treated water quality (BOD) and E.coli count before and after disinfection"
Shohei Tomoo
Excellent subject 2
“Research on Municipal Sewage Treatment Business Selection in the Era of Declining Population”
Shinichi Shigehisa
Excellent subject 3
"Maintenance based on measures to prevent deterioration of water quality"
Tomokazu Saito
Reiwa 4
best assignment
"A proposal for an information sharing process to improve the quality of treated water from Johkasou"
Hirohiro Hagiwara
Excellent subject 1
"Method of separating and recovering carriers mixed in Johkasou sludge using carrier separation and recovery equipment"
Yoshihisa Tahara
Excellent subject 2
"A consideration on the conversion of single-processing Johkasou to combined processing Johkasou"
Shohei Takeda

Contact us

Information/IT Group
Tel: 03-3635-4884 Fax: 03-3635-4886
E-mail: joho@jeces.or.jp
Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
2-23-3 Kikukawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-3635-4880 (Switchboard),

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