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Johkasou Research

  This is a research journal aimed at contributing to the development of johkasou technology by announcing the research results of researchers and engineers in the johkasou field and the water environment field, as well as members of the johkasou research group.
 Since 2003/4, it has been combined with "Johkasou Monthly" and published each time.

"Johkasou Research" back number Overview

Vol.31 2021
Vol.30 2018
Vol.29 2017
Vol.28 2016
Vol.27 2015
Vol.26 2014
Vol.25 2013
Vol.24 2012
Vol.23 2011
Vol.22 2010
Vol.21 2009
Vol.20 2008
Vol.19 2007
Vol.18 2006
Vol.17 2005
Vol.16 2004
Vol.15 2003
Vol.14, No.1
Vol.13, No.2
Vol.13, No.1
Vol.12, No.1
Vol.11, No.2
Vol.11, No.1
Vol.10, No.2
Vol.10, No.1
Vol.9, No.2
Vol.9, No.1
Vol.8, No.2
Vol.8, No.1
Vol.7, No.1
Vol.6, No.2
Vol.6, No.1
Vol.5, No.1 1993
Vol.4, No.2
Vol.4, No.1
Vol.3, No.1
Vol.2, No.1
Vol.1, No.1

Contact us

Information/IT Group
Tel: 03-3635-4884 Fax: 03-3635-4886
E-mail: kikaku@jeces.or.jp
Mikihiro Mukai (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kodokan)​
Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation
2-23-3 Kikukawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-3635-4880 (Switchboard),

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